Friday, August 10, 2007

Lustiger on Lustiger

The following words, penned by Cardinal Lustiger, are to be inscribed on a plaque in Notre Dame, Paris:

Je suis né juif.
J’ai reçu le nom
de mon grand-père paternel, Aron.
Devenu chrétien par la foi et le baptême,
je suis demeuré juif
comme le demeuraient les Apôtres.
J’ai pour saints patrons Aron le Grand Prêtre,
saint Jean l’Apôtre,
sainte Marie pleine de grâce.
Nommé 139e archevêque de Parispar Sa Sainteté le pape Jean-Paul II,
j’ai été intronisé dans cette cathédralele 27 février 1981,
puis j’y ai exercé tout mon ministère.
Passants, priez pour moi.
†Aron Jean-Marie cardinal Lustiger
Archevêque de Paris.

I was born Jewish.
I recived the name
Of my paternal grandfather, Aaron
Having become Christian
By faith and by Baptism,I have remained Jewish
As did the Apostles.I have as my patron saints
Aaron the High Priest,
Saint John the Apostle,
Holy Mary full of grace.
Named 139th archbishop of Paris by His Holiness Pope John-Paul II,
I was enthroned in this Cathedral on 27 February 1981,
And here I exercised my entire ministry.
Passers by, pray for me.
†Aaron Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger
Archbishop of Paris

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