Sunday, July 08, 2007

Crime of Rubrics!

Father Tim Finigan has posted on celebrations following the publication of Summorum Pontificium. I must say that the first photo - showing his own celebration - poses serious questions about the approach of some towards the celebration of what is now to be known as the Extraordinary Rite.

Consider the evidence:

A highly temporary (uncarved) High Altar pushed against the wall with no clear evidence that it is the east wall;

No candles;

No Antipendium;

Use of questionable (glass) altar vessels;

Champagne/juice instead of altar wine;

Chocolate cake instead of the appropriate Communion breads;

Celebrants of mixed sex;

One celebrant wearing what appears to be a very short cassock and a Humeral Veil.

If this is what we are to expect in terms of appropriate celebrations - miserere nobis!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quite, the 1962 brigade have no idea at all about liturgy.

How many times have we seen in celebrations according to this lamentable editio typica the omission of choir reverences whilst they were not abolished until Paul VI (whose liturgical legislation is now considered irrelevant and non-binding by the current Roman incumbent). On the other hand all these supposedly 1962 celebrations still have celebrant bowing to the altar cross and holding a virtual 12"ruler between their palms during the collects - don't they realise these practices were abolished in 1962?